Computer Vision

woman rubbing her eyes from digital eye strain from working on her laptop

Computer Vision Treatment with Our Boston Optometrist

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is very much a 21st-century disorder. Also known as Digital Eye Strain, this range of vision problems occurs as a direct result of the hours Americans, - young and old, at work and play- spend on computers, e-readers, tablets, games and cell phones. According to statistics from the American Optometric Association as many as 50-90% of Americans who use computers are affected by some form of CVS. 

How can you tell if you or your children are among them? Find out more about digital eye strain and treatment form our trusted optometrist in Boston.

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

Often individuals may experience computer vision syndrome without their knowledge. The may feel their eye discomfort as temporary, but in reality, are experiencing a vision issue that needs to be addressed. Some of the symptoms you should look out for when staring into screens include:

  • Headache
  • Eye strain
  • Dry eye
  • Irritated or/Red eye
  • Double vision
  • Blurred Vision
  • Shoulder or Neck pain ( from slumping forward or slouching)

(Children suffering from CVS may rub their eyes excessively or complain of ‘tired eyes’)

Cause of Computer Vision Syndrome

  • Poor screen height and resolution
  • Incorrect/poor lighting
  • Poor posture
  • Uncorrected vision problems (like astigmatism, farsightedness)
  • Structural disease/ disorder in one or both eyes
  • Weak or incorrect over-the-counter readers

How is Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain Diagnosed?

Our Boston optometrist here at Vision Care 2000 will perform a comprehensive eye examination. These include:

  • A thorough patient and family history -The medications you take, your general health, disease (like Diabetes) you may have (or may run in your family) can affect your vision and the treatment options available.  Your optometrist will also evaluate the symptoms you are experiencing.
  • Visual Acuity Measurements – This evaluates the sharpness or acuteness of your vision.
  • Refraction - Evaluates the light focusing abilities of the structures of your eye.

Other tests may be required based on the findings from the above.

How Does Our Optometrist Treat Computer Vision Syndrome?

CVS is not just an uncomfortable annoyance. Left uncorrected, your own work performance may suffer, as could the schoolwork of your children. When it comes to protecting your eyesight, we may recommend eyeglasses for computer use; these may include special tints, coatings or lens designs. Regular eye examinations will be necessary to make sure the condition is improving. Your optometrist may recommend adjusting your computer settings (brightness, contrast, font size) as well. Vision therapy may be necessary to completely alleviate the problem and these may be a combination of office-based and home exercise.

Protect Your Eyes at Vision Care 2000, Contact our Optometrist in Boston Today

The friendly team at Vision Care 2000 is here to help you identify and correct computer vision syndrome. Our Boston optometrist is dedicated to preserving your vision; if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, give us a call at (617) 542-2020.

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